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· . . · · . | Help on: Troll | . · · . . ·
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Adjustments: +1 Strength, +3 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence,
-2 Piety
Compatible Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Deathknight, Druid,
Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Pureblood, Werewolf
Trolls are hideous humanoid beings which stand approximately nine feet tall.
Their skin is mottled and greenish in color, and they smell terrible. Most
trolls are uncivilized and totally unintelligent beasts. A few, however, are of
a different type which actually form themselves into organized tribes to raid
humans. A troll's favorite food is human flesh, a delicacy which he is always
hunting for. As a result, trolls are often not allowed into civilized areas and
are often attacked by guards if sighted within city limits. A troll can live in
any but the most horrible conditions of filth and as such has an extremely high
constitution. They aren't very smart or pious, however, as all they care about
is what they are going to fight or eat next. In general, most other races don't
like trolls, especially humans.
See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Large