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....·····.....·····/ \·····.....·····.... · . . · · . | Help on: sms (text messaging) | . · · . . · ····.....·····.....\ /.....·····.....···· This mud allows you to interact with it using text messaging. As this is a new feature, functionality is still being coded. If you have any suggestions, please post about them on the forum! To use this service, text message 41411 with the following text: Available: realms who: see who is online realms finger <player>: see when player last logged in and if they have any mail, identical to the finger command realms send <player> <message>: send a player a message This service is offered through The service itself is free to use, but your phone company can charge you for using text messages (depends on your plan). Because it is free, they will tack on ads to the end of the text message. Example: Send a text message to 41411 containing realms who. You will receive a text message from 41411: Online: Min, Bob