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· . . · · . | Help on: magic-missile spell | . · · . . ·
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MP cost: 2/missile
School: Evocation
Domain: Not Castable
This spell allows the caster to cast forth a number of small multicolored
energy missiles, all which inerrantly hit their target. The higher the level of
the caster, the more missiles that are available. The max missiles available is
equal to the caster's level divided by two. MP cost is 2mp/missile cast. It is
possible to cast any number of these missiles, up to the max amount. Only the
inherent magic resistance of some creatures/items will prevent this spell from
hitting. The resist-magic spell has a 50% to turn aside each missile cast.
Only mages and liches may cast this spell.
For example, for a level 10 caster:
: c magic-missile high
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 6 damage.
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 6 damage.
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 7 damage.
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 6 damage.
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 7 damage.
: c magic-missile high n 2
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 6 damage.
Your magic-missile strikes the Highport guardsman for 7 damage.