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· . . · · . | Help on: Mage | . · · . . ·
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Prime Requisites: Intelligence, Piety
Compatible Races: Barbarian, Cambion, Dark-Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin,
Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kataran, Kobold,
Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Seraph, Tiefling, Troll
A mage is the user of magic, the powerful wielder of the arcane arts. At low
levels a mage is not very powerful, but at higher levels, he may control
powerful magic which may destroy all in his path. A single spell from a mage is
often able to do massive damage to an enemy. A mage's learning of arcane arts is
so intense, that he may detect the presence of magic around him at all times.
When he becomes powerful enough, he gains the power to temporarily enchant
items. A mage is also a superb teacher, able to instruct beginning pupils in
some low level magical abilities. When he reaches a certain level of magical
ability, a mage may recharge items such as wands and staves. He does this by
transmuting gold into magical energy. The amount of power in the magical item
determines the amount of gold needed. The center of power for the mage on
Derlith is in the Wizards' Eye Tower. There, all arcane knowledge is stored
throughout the land. A society of mages exists which most mages are able
to join, yet this is not required.
Abilities: Teach, Transmute, Enchant, Always detects magic
Initial spells: armor, magic-missile