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· . . · · . | Help on: Gnome | . · · . . ·
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Adjustments: +1 Piety, +1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, -1 Dexterity,
-2 Strength
Compatible Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Lich,
Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Pureblood, Werewolf, Fighter/Mage,
Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage
Gnomes are cousins of dwarves. They differ in appearance slightly from their
cousins, having long noses and no beards. While a dwarf loves mining and stone
crafts, a gnome excels in the craftsmanship of jewelry and fine art. Gnomes also
prefer to live in the hills where they may communicate and trade easier with the
world around them. Gnomes also have a love for invention, and they will often
toil long into the night to try and figure out how a simple item works. Gnomes
tend to be very good clerics, as they have come to know the arts of healing
better then most races, and they are often quite pious in nature.
See in dark (infravision): Yes
Size class: Small
Racial quirks/benefits:
-Hit bonus with weapons of type staff
-Extra defense (harder to be hit) vs creature type Giantkin