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· . . · · . | Help on: bank commands | . · · . . ·
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See also: balance, deposit, transfer, withdraw, statement, deletestatement
These commands are used in banks only. Most of them are self explanatory.
While in banks, you can check your balance, deposit or withdraw gold,
transfer gold, check your transaction history by looking at a bank
statement, and also you can clear your statement. The statement works much
like mail. Funds may be tranferred to people while they are offline as well
as online. If they are online, they will see a message that you transferred
gold to their account.
For the deposit, transfer, and withdraw commands you must specify an
amount of gold (using the $ symbol), or you may use the keywords "all" or
"half" to determine the ammount of gold to be handled.
: deposit $1000
You give the bank teller 1000 gold coins.
The bank teller says, "Your balance is now 1000 gold coins"
: balance
The bank teller says, "Your current balance is: 1000 gold coins."
: withdraw $500
The bank teller gives you 500 gold coins.
The bank teller says, "Your balance is now 500 gold coins"
: transfer half bane
The bank tellers transfers 250 gold coins from your account to Bane's.
The bank teller says, "Your balance is now 250 gold coins"
: statement
The bank teller shows you your bank statement:
Sun Apr 18 15:08:41 2010: DEPOSIT: 1000 [Balance: 1000]
Sun Apr 18 15:09:30 2010: WITHDRAW: 500 [Balance: 500]
Sun Apr 18 15:10:12 2010: TRANSFER to Bane: 250 [Balance: 250]
: deletestatement
Statement deleted.