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....·····.....·····/ \·····.....·····.... · . . · · . | Help on: Dark Elf | . · · . . · ····.....·····.....\ /.....·····.....···· Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, -1 Piety Compatible Classes: Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Deathknight, Druid, Fighter, Lich, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, Pureblood, Werewolf, Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Assassin, Mage/Thief, Thief/Mage Dark elves, or Drow as they are sometimes called, are the ancient cousins of elves who were banished to the underworld for practicing evil magics and worshiping dark gods. Occasionally, one of these dark elves will wander to the surface of Derlith to live instead. These rogue dark elves never have a place in society and are shunned and often attacked by other elves of the surface. As a result, they often become criminals, living as thieves, assassins, or something equally bad. The dark elf's small and slender form and long fingers gives him a fighting edge in addition to helping him in matters of stealth. A dark elf is thus very agile. However, thousands of years under the surface of the world in darkness has rendered him not as strong as some surface races. Type HELP DARKELVES for roleplaying information. See in dark (infravision): Yes Size class: Medium Racial quirks/benefits: -Bonus (+10%) when sneaking underground -Ability: sign (HELP SIGN) -If non-caster, hit bonus with weapon type: sword, rapier, 1Hand Crossbows -Always 90% immune to hold/fear/scare spells