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Lawful Good..........."Order must be maintained with moral righteousness. The weak/downtrodden must be protected - if they are worthy." Lawful Neutral........"There must be order and stability in all things. Morality is not a factor in accomplishing this." Lawful Evil..........."Order WILL be maintained - preferably by me. Don't try to stop me. Might makes right. Those weaker than I are useful idiots." Neutral Good.........."The only thing that matters is that what is done is good for others. The way we get there doesn't matter, so long as NOBODY suffers in the process." Neutral..............."Everything must remain in balance - order/chaos/good/evil. The morality to accomplish this is completely malleable." Neutral Evil.........."I will do anything to get ahead, primarily if it involves suffering of others. Did I mention everything is only about me?" Chaotic Good.........."Freedom of all and protecting those weaker are all that matter. Any obstacle to this must be eliminated or thwarted." Chaotic Neutral......."What does this button do? I'm going to press it and find out! Don't try to stop me, or there will be violence! There are no rules!" Chaotic Evil.........."Burn it all down! That is all that matters, and it's especially amusing to me! The higher the body count, the more amusing!"