Online Help

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  ·  .  .  ·  ·  . |          Help on:  keep           | .  ·  ·  .  .  ·
····.....·····.....\                                   /.....·····.....····

This command allows a player to set any object in their inventory to safe
keeping, so it cannot be sold, dropped, or given away until the "unkeep" command
is used on it (HELP UNKEEP). Objects which are being kept show up with a (K)
next to them in your inventory list. Any time an object is stolen, dropped due
to death, or put in a bag, it will no longer be kept.

: i
You have: a hoe.
: keep hoe
You will keep the hoe.
: i
You have: a hoe(K).
: drop hoe
The hoe is currently in safe keeping.
You must unkeep it to drop it.
: sell hoe
The hoe is currently in safe keeping. Unkeep it to sell it.
: give hoe bob
The hoe is currently in safe keeping.
You must unkeep it to give it away.

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