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  ·  .  .  ·  ·  . |      Help on:  anchor spell       | .  ·  ·  .  .  ·
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MP cost: 50 / 30 / 10
School:  Translocation
Domain:  Not Castable

The anchor spell allows you to form a dimensional-anchor in the room you
are currently in. Such an anchor allows you to focus the teleport spell,
designating a specific location to teleport to. This version of the spell
costs 50mp to cast. A caster may only have 5 dimensional-anchors at any
given time. Destroying an anchor costs 10mp instead of 50mp.

Alternatively, if the caster designates a player or themselves, the 
dimensional-anchor effect will be placed on them, hindering magical movement.
The spell will prevent magical means of transportation from working properly: 
spells from the school of translocation will autmatically have a 90% chance of
failing in addition to any saving throws allowed. This version of the
spell costs 30mp to cast. 

CAUTION: hazy potions will not work if you are dimensionally anchored.
Note: players under the effect of a dimensional anchor spell cannot track,
      but they can still be tracked by other players.

Anyone can choose to dispel a dimensional-anchor on themselves at any given
time using the dispel command. See HELP DISPEL.

Only mages and liches of at least 16th level may cast this spell.

cast anchor
cast anchor <name|target> [create|destroy]

See also:

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